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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Gulab Jamun
-Gulab jamun (Kannada: ಜಾಮೂನು,Tamil: குலாப்ஜாமுன்), is a popular cheese-based dessert, similar to a dumpling, popular in countries of the Indian Subcontinent such as India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh. In Nepal it is widely known as Lalmohan, served with or without yogurt, and is a popular dessert on all occasions. It is made mainly from milk solids, traditionally from freshly curdled milk. These milks solids, known as khoya in India, are kneaded into a dough, sometimes with a pinch of flour, and then shaped into small balls and deep fried at a low temperature of about 148°C.The balls are then soaked in a light sugar syrup flavored with green cardamom and rosewater, kewra or saffron. These days, gulab jamun mix is also commercially available. Gulab jamun is often served at weddings and birthday parties.
The term gulab jamun comes from Persian words gol (rose) and āb (water), referring to the rosewater-scented syrup, and Hindustani jamun, m., Syzygium jambolanum (also jāmaṇ, m., from the Hindustani language), an Indian fruit with a similar size and shape.

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