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Monday, August 26, 2013

Taboo for Indian Traditonal

-Taboos are  past beliefs related to customs and cultural heritage of their ancestors. Taboos are things that block us from doing something because there are disadvantages versa. It is often practiced by the elders among the Malays, Chinese and Indians. Most of verbal taboos lowered down to wane. Importance of customary taboos to be observed as clearly expressed by saying "let the child die, do not die custom."
Taboos imposed by the elders to educate the community, especially the younger generation that can lead to better application of values ​​that can be practiced in life. Some taboos are already a practice or principle of life today.
All taboos are actually passed to the virtues of itself as taboo during weddings, festivals and also during  pregnancy.Actually, taboos handed down by ancestors concerned about health care that a person is healthy.

Taboos during wedding
 Marriage Indians in Malaysia are classified into several types, namely tamil tirumanam, eliyat tirumanam and vaitiikat tirumanam. There are many customs and taboos to be followed by Indians during the marriage.
    Spy is taboo during a response will be the couple visits as a spy. But when the bride's entourage, the bride is forbidden to follow as well as considered rude.
    In addition, before the marriage takes place, the invitation should be made and are based on Hindu almanac without error, if there is an error means the marriage will not be carried out smoothly.
    If the wedding reception is done in the temple, the only vegetables can be served to guests and other food can not be served especially beef, because the Hindu religion prohibits eating beef.
   In conclusion, in the days modems now many Indians continued to comply with the customs and taboos inherited from his ancestors because this situation proves traditional and unique culture of Indians.

Taboos during Diwali
  -Diwali is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. The word Diwali is a combination of the words "Dipa" meaning light and the word "Gavali" meaning row. The festival is celebrated on the 14th day of the calendar month Aipasi Tamil (between October and November). The festival is also known as the festival of lights. Light means 'hope', 'win' and 'happiness'.

 On the evening before the festival, the whole family would gather for dinner together with various kinds of traditional Indian food dish. At night held ceremonies must install the lamp by the whole family. Lamps installed believed that the brightness can overcome all evil. There is also a ceremonial head stacking rice husks that have been or are colored with different colors on the front door. This ceremony brings deep meaning to all Hindus including small beings in this world, such as ants as a sign of welcome speech to the guests.

On the morning of the festival, the whole family should wake up before sunrise to bathe and cleanse themselves. They need a bath with sesame oil to be applied to the head of each family member by their older like mother or grandmother. According to Indian belief, figuratively sesame oil bath bathing in the Ganges River for clean up of all kinds of evil and hatred.

After washing, the clothes worn should be a fierce color such as red, blue and orange. They are forbidden to be dressed in black clothes or white over means sadness. Then it shook hands and apologized to the parents and other family members. Conducted prayers at the temple for themselves and family well-being as well as commemorating the family members who have passed away.

Taboos During Pregnancy 
-For the Indians, there are some taboos that should be practiced by a pregnant mother.  
-Forbidden to leave the house alone at night 
-Forbidden to sleep during the day or sleeping excessively.
-Prohibited from doing bad deeds like backbiting, making defamation, fighting, slaughter animals and so on.
-Within 2 months after delivery, the mothers should abstain from doing heavy work.

Indian community to adopt a 60-day period of confinement. On the first day, relatives and neighbors are not encouraged to visit the newly born baby home for fear that interferes with newborns and cause surprise.

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